Class Training
Taking a dog to a training class once a week will not produce a well-behaved dog on its own.
The lazy dog training must be designed for and applied to the home and real-life situations .
We aim to give the owner the skills necessary to have a better behaved dog at home and under real “lifestyle” distractions. Though we cannot do the work for you we will give you the knowledge to enable you to reach a different level.
Like everything in life – there are no free lunches. You get from the dog what you put in. If you spend some time training positively every day with your dog – you will get so much back and will enjoy your dog so much more.
Lifestyle Training
This is for basic to intermediate dogs, 8 weeks in duration including one lesson as a 1-to-1.
Agility equipment is available and will be introduced as part of the course. Class numbers will be limited to 8 or less per session. The duration of the lesson is 1 hour. Owners are requested to be punctual in order for the classes to start on time.
contact for further information
*50% at the 1-to-1, balance paid at the first class
Advanced Lessons
This is for dogs that want to be more than just a couch potato.
The exercises are to involve off-lead work and are to be carried out under distraction including recall, distance control and emergency down whilst running after distraction.
These lessons are not a course but do need to be booked and paid for in advance in blocks of 4.
4 x one to one lessons
**Fees payable in advance
Professional Dog Training Tips
The Sit
The Sit is one of the easiest exercises to teach your puppy. We would start our training in a location which is low in distractions. For example, we would start inside your house.
Start your training before you feed your dog particularly if you are using food to lure your dog. Make sure that you have your treat bag and treats with you.
Start with the dog standing in front of you. Using a treat in your hand raise it close to your dog’s nose Then as you get your dog’s attention on the treat, move your hand away from you and over your dog’s head. This will cause your dog to push its head back and it will bend its back legs and sit.
Do not use a command at this time. Just concentrate on getting the dog to sit. As soon as the dog has sat mark the behaviour with a verbal marker ie GOOD.
As soon as you mark it reward the dog by giving him the treat. Ensure you treat the dog whilst he is in the sit position. Once the treat is delivered end the exercise and initiate play and praise your dog.
Repeat this several times, and then finish. Keep your training sessions short. We want to end the session with your dog succeeding. Once your dog is going into position easily with the lure start adding the command.
We would give the command SIT as soon as the dog settles his rear end onto the ground.
On your next session start using the sit command as you use the lure. As your dog progresses we start to phase out the lure and replace with a hand signal. We then move on to doing the exercise where there are more
distractions, for example, your garden or on a walk.